Master Trader Program Course Mode Highlights Venue Offline/Online Regular Batch Mon to Thrusday 3:30 -4:30 Pm. Weekend Batch Sat & Sun 11Am - 1 pm. & 2 Pm. to 4 Pm. Live Trading Session Mon to Fri 9 - 3 Pm. (This course is a complete advanced career-oriented one with an intention to bring high-quality stock trading training at affordable cost.)2. Master Trader Program 2.1. Advance Price ActionAdvance Price Action1. Dow Theory: Understanding Market Behaviour Through Charts2. Trend Analysis Using Price Action: Riding the Market Waves3. Reversal Patterns: Spotting Market Turning Points with Price Action4. Price Action in Different Market Conditions: Trending vs. Ranging Markets5. Order Flow and Supply-Demand Zones6. Order Blocks: A Key Tool in Smart Money Trading7. Liquidity Grabs and Stop Hunts: How Smart Money Traps Retail Traders9. Gap up trading strategy10. Gap down trading strategy11. Finonnacie Trading SetupTrend based fib extenstionNeutral Candle setupMultiple test StrategySingle candle bull trapMultiple candle bull trapSingle candle bear trapMultiple candle bear trap2.3. Elite Wave TheoryElite Wave PrincipleMotive WaveCorrective WaveExtensive WaveTruncation WaveEDT (Elliott's Dow Theory)Types of CorrectionSimple CorrectionComplex CorrectionRunway GapBreakaway Gap 2.2. Future and OptionWhat is DerivativeTypes of DerivativeFuture MarketSpot/Underlying pricePremium in future priceDiscount in future priceExpiry date and contractMargin amount for intradayMargin amount for Carry forwardMark to MarketOpen InterestHedging in FutureIndex FutureStock FutureWhat is OptionCall OptionPut optionStrike PricePremiumIntrinsic value for PremiumTime value for PremiumExpiry DateStock OptionIndex optionOption WritingAt the money optionIn the money optionOut of the money optionOption Buying SetupOption Selling SetupCovered callVertical SpreadStraddleStrangle